On 19 April 2018 the BBC reported that the NHS is recruiting managers faster than doctors and nurses. There was a 16% increase in managers compared to only an 8% increase in doctors.
More people are using the NHS than ever before and the strain on front-line services is widely known, particularly, waiting times in A & E reaching their highest level in March 2018.
Should more money be therefore directed to recruit doctors and nurses rather than managers?
Medical negligence solicitors all too often see the same mistakes happening. Poor training and supervision and being over-worked and stressed are often at the heart of these repetitive errors.
For example, many of our clients with children diagnosed with cerebral palsy tell us that during their labour there was a severe shortage of midwifery staff. Had a midwife had the time to be with a mother without having to continually attend to other patients they may have spotted that the baby was in distress, obtained obstetric help, and a multi million pound compensation claim would have been avoided and, more importantly, a baby would not have suffered life changing brain injuries.
This is a somewhat simplistic example but in my view mistakes and errors do more frequently occur when medical staff are exceptionally stressed, tired and unable to obtain senior input and help.
Would more NHS managers help with this problem? Do more managers help focus on staff shift patterns and make sure a junior midwife can contact her supervisor or a doctor in an emergency?
If the answer is in the affirmative more managers coupled with more nurses and doctors seems to be the most sensible solution. Given that the NHS budget is again in the spotlight and taxpayers may well be paying extra for the NHS in the years to come we all deserve to get value for money and, ultimately, a world-leading NHS providing exceptional healthcare through all of their staff.
If you or someone you know has suffered an injury as a result of sub-standard medical care please contact our medical negligence team on 0113 245 8549 or by completing an enquiry form.