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  • Top Tier Law Firm
  • Medical Negligence
  • Court of Protection

Failure to Identify Recurring Cervical Cancer

J was diagnosed as suffering from cervical cancer following which she underwent a radical hysterectomy. She was regularly reviewed thereafter.

Despite having problems with bleeding J’s gynaecologist was of the opinion that she was menopausal and despite having expressed that such symptoms occurred regularly, the reoccurrence of her cervical cancer was not diagnosed until some 12 to 18 months following her initial complaints of bleeding.  J was understandably aggrieved that the diagnosis could have been made earlier and that as a result of the delay in diagnosis there was a delay in her receiving chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The cancer was also pressing on her kidney resulting in kidney damage.

Expert evidence was commissioned from experts in the fields of Gynaecology and Oncology. However, it became apparent during our investigations that even before J was diagnosed with cervical cancer there was a lost opportunity in diagnosing this much earlier as there was a failure to take heed of abnormal smear tests. Further expert evidence suggested that had those smear tests being correctly interpreted and acted upon her pre cancerous condition would have been diagnosed and she would have been cured. 

The claim was defended throughout. However, with our specialist advice and the support of experts it was possible to secure a settlement for J in the sum of £135,000.00.